Our Fees

Fixed Fees for applications, documents & Court hearings

We offer you Fixed Fees for our assistance with applications, statements, bundles and attendance at remote and in-person court hearings.

Reasonable email and telephone support are ‘included’ within the Fixed Fee quoted. We do not put you on a timer and charge for individual calls or emails.

If your case takes longer than expected on the day of your hearing as regularly occurs, our Fixed Fee is still applicable; meaning you are not hit with extra costs for our additional time on the day.

The Fixed Fee quotes ensure you know the total cost at each stage for our assistance, no surprises with additional costs from us.

Witness Statement / Position Statement/ Bundles (digital)

Do you require assistance drafting a Witness Statement or Position Statement?

If so, we can help you put your argument on paper, so it is effective and as persuasive as possible in the circumstances. We provide a Fixed Fee for each document you require.

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Our Prices

Hourly Rate

Outside of Fixed Fees, our hourly rate is: £95

Application Forms

Assistance with completing Children Act applications
(Fixed fees)

Application forms are not always straightforward and can be confusing. If you would like us to complete any Forms for you quickly and competently please let us know. We will also talk through your case and the options available to you.

Please note there are also Court Fees you pay directly to the Court unless you are on a low income, check with the Court directly.

£156 – Any single Children Act Application Form completed

£233 – Two or more Children Act Application Forms completed


Assistance drafting a Position Statement or Witness Statement or compiling a Bundle (Fixed Fees)

We will assist you draft documents such as a Witness Statement, Position Statement for your hearings. We can compile digital Bundles as required. We can make sure your argument and proposals are set out effectively before filing and serving documents.

£233 – Position Statement FHDRA / DRA / Directions Hearing

£347 – Position Statement Final Hearing 

£424 – Minor Witness Statement plus Exhibits

£554 – Full Witness Statement plus Exhibits

£288 – Bundle DRA / Directions Hearing (Digital Bundle)

£456 – Bundle (Final Hearing / Fact-Finding Hearing (Digital Bundle)

Children cases - Hearings

First Hearing Dispute Resolution Appointment (FHDRA)
(Fixed Fees)

Includes our attendance by remote telephone/video, reasonable telephone/email support, note-taking      £347

In-Person attendance At Court, reasonable telephone/email support, note-taking:    From  £467

Dispute Resolution Appointment (DRA) / Directions Hearings (Fixed Fee)

Includes our attendance by remote telephone/video for a DRA or Directions Hearing, plus reasonable telephone/email support, note-taking £347

In-Person attendance At Court, reasonable telephone/email support, note-taking:      From £467

Final Hearing - One Day (Fixed Fee)

This is the cost for one-day attendance at a remote telephone/video Final Hearing. 

Includes our remote attendance at Court, assistance with Submissions / Examination Questions / Evidence-in-Chief, reasonable telephone/email support and note-taking £680

In-Person attendance At Court including all above: From £744

Fact-Finding Hearing - One Day (Fixed Fee)

This is the cost for one day at a remote Fact-Finding hearing in a Children Act matter.

Includes our attendance at a remote telephone/video hearing,  assistance drafting Submissions / Examination Questions / Evidence-in-Chief, reasonable telephone/email support and note-taking £680

In-Person attendance At Court including all above: From £744

Non-Molestation Order / Occupation Order Applications

We can assist you to draft the Witness Statement and completing the Form in an application for a Non-Molestation Order and/or Occupation Order.

We guide you through the process in what is often an urgent matter.

Please note there are no Court Fees for these applications.

Non-Molestation Order Application (Fixed Fee)

Assistance drafting a Witness Statement and completing the Form for a Non-Molestation Order plus telephone/email support and our guidance.


Occupation Order Application (Fixed Fee)

Assistance drafting a Witness Statement and completing the Form for an Occupation Order plus telephone/email support and our guidance. An Occupation Order with a Non-Molestation Order application at the same time is at no extra cost to you.


Return / Directions / Without Notice Hearing - Non-Molestation Order / Occupation Order (Fixed Fee)

Includes our attendance by remote telephone/video, reasonable telephone/email support plus note-taking £347

In-Person attendance At Court including above: From £467

Contested Hearing (One Day - Fixed Fee)

This is the cost for one day at a remote Contested hearing in a Family Law Act matter.

Includes our attendance at a remote telephone/video hearing,  assistance drafting Submissions / Examination Questions / Evidence-in-Chief, reasonable telephone/email support plus note-taking £870

In-Person attendance At Court including all above: From £932

Financial Orders - Hearings

These are our Fixed Fees regarding Financial Remedy Order proceedings. 

Financial Order First Appointment Hearing

Includes our attendance at a Remote Video First Appointment Hearing and assistance completing Form A, guidance and support with Form E, assistance drafting Questionnaire, Statement of Issues, Chronology ES1 and ES2, Bundle, plus email/telephone support £1,440

In-Person attendance At Court including all above: From £1,656

Financial Dispute Resolution Appointment (FDR) (Fixed Fee)

Includes our attendance at a remote telephone/video hearing, assistance with a schedule of deficiencies, supplemental questionnaire, Bundle, other documents, reasonable telephone/email support plus note-taking £1,680

In-Person attendance At Court including all above: From £1,896

Final Hearing (One Day - Fixed Fee)

Includes our attendance at a remote telephone/video hearing, assistance with Open Proposal / s25 Narrative Statement / Examination Questions, other documents, Bundle, reasonable telephone/email support plus note-taking £1,920

In-Person attendance At Court including all above: From £2,136

All payments are to FL Decisions Limited.

We're Here To Help

Hi I’m Jeff. A Mckenzie Friend Expert. If you need any assistance or have any questions we can help you with, please give us a call on the number below or fill in one of our contact forms to get a call back for a Confidential Free Consultation.

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