Frequently Asked Questions

Are you practising lawyers?

No, we are not practising lawyers. However, members of our team do have various legal qualifications and can be non-practising lawyers or possess other significant professional qualifications.

We have extensive hands-on experience from crucial roles within the family law court system. Our knowledge stems from our years of experience in assisting litigants. In addition, members of our staff may have personal experience with the family law courts. Our focus is always on utilising our expertise to guide you successfully through the system, as efficiently as possible.

Do you have access to legal authorities, books, research and the latest case law?

Yes. We may have similar resources to what many lawyers have and more than some.

What are you going to cost?

Our average client spends £450 with us in total. Our services are provided on a Fixed Fee basis for the vast majority of our clients. Please see our Fees page and our Terms & Conditions page for further details.

Will you be allowed in to court with me or on a remote telephone/video hearing?

Yes. As a McKenzie Friend we will sit next to you in court providing quiet advice and support as necessary or we will be on a remote telephone/video court hearing with you.

Can you represent me at court and speak for me?

Only at the discretion of the court can we ‘advocate’ for you (speak for you in court). This is termed ‘Rights of Audience’ (ROA) and has to be permitted by the judge. At times permission for a client’s McKenzie Friend to have ROA is granted but this does depend on the individual judge and the circumstances of the case. Normally ROA would not be given.

I am nervous, mutter and stumble over my words when in court, can you help?

We can help by providing written notes in court and talking quietly to you when necessary to remind you of points you wanted to make. Most people are understandably nervous; particularly the first time but we will keep you focused and support you. Our well crafted position statements we draft for you will assist in ensuring the court understands your view and aims.

Can you help me with my statement and other documents for court?

Yes. We can assist you in drafting documents such as position and witness statements, skeleton arguments and submissions which may reference relevant case law and other authorities. Judges (e.g. Circuit Judge QC and Lord Justice’s) have commented positively e.g. “excellent” “beautifully crafted” regarding our submissions and skeleton arguments on behalf of our clients.

Can I arrange a meeting with you to discuss my case?

Yes. We can offer an assessment and advice session which will allow an in-depth discussion of your case to enable us to give you an informed view of the options available and the risks of any course of action.

I want to limit or stop the other parent spending time with our children, will you help me?

We strongly believe in prioritising the welfare of children and, in the majority of cases, we believe that parents are the most suitable decision-makers. If parents cannot reach an agreement, however, the Family Courts will step in to address significant issues. 

We do not pass judgement on our parents. Instead, we provide our thoughts and recommendations which parents are free to consider or disregard as they see fit.

Research supports the notion that shared parenting, or significant involvement from both parents, is generally beneficial for children. Of course, if there is any risk of physical, emotional, sexual, or psychological harm to children, their safety is paramount.

We're Here To Help

Hi I’m Jeff. A Mckenzie Friend Expert. If you need any assistance or have any questions we can help you with, please give us a call on the number below or fill in one of our contact forms to get a call back for a Confidential Free Consultation.

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