Family Law Experts

Court Hearings

Applications & Statements

Who We Are...

Family Law Decisions is award-winning team of McKenzie Friends and paralegals founded after personal experience and built on decades of professional expertise.

We are not solicitors:

  • We can’t speak for you in court.
  • Submit your documents for you.
  • Correspond on your behalf.

We can:

  • Attend court hearings with you offering quiet advice.
  • Draft all applications and statements (you have to submit them).
  • Share our experience.

The fact is we have been doing this since 2008 and have worked on well over 15,000+ cases of child arrangement, non-molestation, and financial orders. We have seen what works and what doesn’t. You need to know what the courts are looking for or you’ll end up watering down your argument or even hurting your case.

Our average client spends £450 with us so if you need some affordable legal support get in touch by giving us a call, sending us a WhatsApp, or booking a free consultation.

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