My name is ……. and on the …. ……. 201. I found myself being arrested by the Metropolitan Police. I was not allowed to live in my own house. I was cautioned and released from …… Police Station on a common assault charge. A non-molestation order was granted to my Wife in my absence and I was not allowed to go to my own home or see my daughter. I was not allowed to see my daughter at her school, take her to school or collect her from school. I lost my job as a …… manager at a …………….. school as they were informed of all of the above. I was homeless for …… weeks and my life was hell. Everyone was against me. Police, Social services, School teachers. I was completely demonised, ostracized, and kept completely in the dark about everything that was going on regarding my child and my rights. Nobody cared or gave a bloody damn about me the father trying to see my child.

I had become the latest casualty in a greatly unfair legal system where woman can abuse the system to get rid of their husbands or fathers and put the man through the most unjustly unbelievable nightmare experience where the law treats the man like dog poo and puts the woman in full control of events, calling all the shots. My mental state was called into question. I was accused of being a domestically violent man etc.

It wasn’t until somebody introduced me to Colin Brealey (Family Law Decisions) that someone listened to my plight. Mr Colin Brealey is a ‘McKenzie Friend’ a person that fights cases for men at a vastly reduced cost.

Mr Colin Brealey is not a man of many words. He is so vastly experienced in all of these matters he will get straight to facts. He will just deal with the facts not the emotional gossip or unhelpful slagging off of your ex-partner or situation. He quickly dismisses with the useless emotional stuff and gets right down to business. Just give the man the stuff he asks for, stick just to the facts, do exactly as he tells you and let him take over completely.

I went to court with Mr Colin Brealey six times. Each time I went to court he reigned supreme. He knew more than any of the judges and had them eating out of his hand. He was very influential in Court and with each hearing successfully obtaining more and more meaningful contact with my daughter.

On ../../201.. Mr Colin Brealey successfully won my final child arrangements court hearing victoriously! Overwhelmingly! I was awarded full joint shared care of my daughter. Mr Colin Brealey is the peoples champion. He is passionate about delivering justice for men. He is a no-nonsense person and will not suffer fools gladly, he will not waste words, but his actions say it all. I implore any man out there whatever your own personal story may be this is the man who can. Mr Colin Brealey did it for me in style! If anyone can Mr Colin Brealey can. He is just one amazing human being but you must do as you are told stick to the facts and let him take over completely and do his thing. He is a bloody marvel! An amazing man who can.

Mr T. (London)

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