Mr Jeff Botterill has assisted us in a family Court matter as our McKenzie friend. We obtained Jeff’s details through Families Need Fathers website and have found the advice, support and loyalty to be exemplary.

When we began in the Family Courts we were paying for legal representation in the form of various Solicitors and Barristers, some progress was made but this took some 2 years to achieve at extortionate costs to us.

We approached Jeff to enquire whether he would be able to assist us in the continuing family matter and Jeff confirmed his terms and conditions to us from the outset, we were very happy with all of the details that Jeff passed over to us and we were pleased to have his support.

Jeff has been a lifesaver. Literally. Jeff’s knowledge of the process that we have been going through is comprehensive and moreover, Jeff has a unique insight into our particular circumstances and has, on many occasions, offered us his support and advice on how to deal with matters that surround the Court case. This has proved invaluable and has helped us both cope with the process on many occasions.

Jeff’s integrity and honesty are outstanding, he is a man amongst men. Jeff had complete compassion for our situation. Jeff has a keen eye for details and is extremely prompt with his responses – which has helped us cope with some stressful situations.

Our only regret is that we did not know of Jeff’s existence when our Court proceedings began – we are completely certain that his involvement from the start would have benefitted the matter a great deal and not to mention, save us a considerable amount of money that we had to pay for legal representation.

We have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Jeff to anyone.

Mr & Mrs H. (Cheshire)

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