Colin has assisted me for 8 months over the course of 4 hearings, including one for a Prohibitive Steps Order, a 2-day Contested Hearing, a hearing for a Special Issue Order and a Final Hearing. His assistance has been invaluable from the very start. His knowledge of case law has assisted me in constructing arguments and he has helped to keep me objective in the midst of a highly stressful case.

As a litigant in person, at every hearing, I have had the outcome I wanted and can attribute this largely to Colin’s assistance at every step of the way. Outside of hearings, he has been a fantastic sounding board. He showed genuine care in wanting me to get the best outcome. Colin’s costs are very reasonable especially considering the extent to which he has supported me.

I have had the assistance of other professional Mckenzie friends, solicitors and counsel, none have assisted me in the way Colin has and for that, I am eternally grateful. Keep up the good work. LIP

Mr M. (London)
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