Jeff writes the most wonderful position statements. Whenever I received them, I was in awe of how he was able to state everything that needed to be said in such a laconic, precise way and always with the perfect tone. Facing a stream of accusations from the mother, I recall receiving a second position statement from Jeff, and saying out loud after reading it “Oh my god- he’s snookered her- how did he do that in 2 moves“. Jeff is so knowledgeable and insightful in matters regarding the family courts, I wholeheartedly recommend Jeff as McKenzie friend to any parent striving to achieve the best arrangement for their family, most importantly I recommend really listening carefully to the advice that Jeff gives you.
He is like the Maradona (at his peak) of McKenzie friends in the family courts. In a split second, he is able to survey the field, cut out all the noise and map out a direct route to the goal. Then move swiftly towards it, negating all obstacles and opposition as though they are moving in slow motion, with an understanding of what they will do before they do it. and finally, when the ball is in the net, he has the humblest of celebrations, telling you it was all down to you. Having the assistance and guidance of Jeff as my McKenzie friend through one of the most important and stressful situations of my life, was paramount to achieving the best possible family arrangement for our daughter. Thank you so much, Jeff, from both me and my daughter.